Course content

Cities against loneliness

Training tools for understanding, recognising and tackling urban loneliness from city governments

Most of us will feel lonely at some point in our lives, but our ability to deal with and overcome this loneliness can vary according to our environment, our social relationships and the support we have. When the feeling of loneliness gets worse and persists over time, it can have a significant impact not only on the specific person, but also on society as a whole.

Barcelona City Council has been running municipal services and programmes that help to reduce loneliness directly or indirectly for a long time. However, the increase in recent years in the number of people of any age who feel lonely – in Barcelona and worldwide – has highlighted the need for a joint strategy for addressing loneliness in our city. 

Through a strategic partnership with the Eurocities Academy, we are delighted to extend this training to cities across Europe. The collaboration ensures that the best practices and insights developed in Barcelona are shared widely, helping European cities to develop effective policies and interventions. The course's main learning goals include understanding the complexities of urban loneliness, acquiring the skills to detect and address it, and designing targeted policies to support affected communities.

The course is structured into two main modules, each focusing on critical aspects of tackling urban loneliness. The first module delves into the theoretical understanding and recognition of loneliness, while the second module provides practical tools and strategies for intervention. Participants will conclude the course with a final test, upon completion of which they will receive a learning certificate.

A partnership between the City of Barcelona and the Eurocities Academy:

© Barcelona City Council 2022. The reproduction of data and information from these sources is permitted provided that the source is cited.

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